I am a doctoral researcher at University College London in the Department of Statistical Science, supervised by Jeremias Knoblauch and Edwin Fong. Before this, I worked as a research assistant at Aalto University supervised by Aki Vehtari.

My research interests include Bayesian probability theory and methodology, predictive model evaluation and comparison, and prior specification. I have previously held data science positions at 7Bridges Ltd., GOGOX Ltd., and VoiceIQ Ltd.

Please reach out for collaboration on future projects!


2023 -
PhD candidate in Statistical Science UCL Supervised by Jeremias Knoblauch and Edwin Fong
2021 - 2023
MSc Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence Aalto University Thesis on "Efficient estimation of selection-induced bias in Bayesian model selection," supervised by Aki Vehtari
Research Assistant in agile probabilistic AI Aalto University Probabilistic Machine Learning (PML) group
2019 - 2020
Year abroad studying Mathematics and Computer Science Université de Bordeaux
2017 - 2021
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with a Modern Language (French) University of Manchester Thesis on "Graphical models for time series analysis," supervised by Jingsong Yuan and Korbinian Strimmer

Selected research

  1. Yann McLatchie, Edwin Fong, David T. Frazier, and Jeremias Knoblauch (2024). "Predictive performance of power posteriors." arXiv. arXiv code talk
  2. David Kohns, Noa Kallioinen, Yann McLatchie, and Aki Vehtari (2024). "The ARR2 prior: flexible predictive prior definition for Bayesian auto-regressions." Bayesian Analysis. arXiv code blog
  3. Yann McLatchie and Aki Vehtari (2024). "Efficient estimation and correction of selection-induced bias with order statistics." Statistics and Computing. arXiv code blog
  4. Yann McLatchie, Sölvi Rögnvaldsson, Frank Weber, and Aki Vehtari (2024). "Advances in projection predictive inference." Statistical Science. arXiv code blog


I help develop the following software:
Kullback-Leibler projections for Bayesian model selection author. code
Approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) and Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS) contributor. code
Projection predictive feature selection contributor. code
Bayesian model-building interface in Python contributor. code